Monday, December 21, 2009

a little bit of earth - my not so secret garden

I call it my not-so-secret garden, because everyone I meet gets told all about it and everyone who comes to visit has to go on a long and very boring tour around the thing - but I do love it so!

And my very best christmas present so far has been harvesting the first zucchini fruit from my garden today!

There are still three or four immature little fruit growing, and the plants themselves (there are four blackjack zucchini plants, only two of which are old enough to flower yet) have almost taken over my herb garden! But I do love them so I can't bear to replant them!

I planted in October, and this is where it was at in November:

and this is where I am today (late December)

So far the gardening has gone splendidly.

I have blackjack zucchini, prolific thai basil (and some very slow growing sweet basil), chilli plants, camomile, lettuce, spinach and parsley growing in the long bed

(the close up is of the lettuce, spinach and chili)

Small vincas flowers and some slow growing cosmos in the front garden.

Baby Tomato, mignonette lettuce, iceland poppies and more sweet basil in a portable greenhouse which doesn't seem to be as fabulous as the label promoted.

Some darling pots of geranium cuttings which are taking off fast, as well as garlic chives, lavender, some small little succulent leaves which are yet to root and little christmas egg cartons slowly growing seeds for family members.

The sweetest little sunflowers and marigolds growing in a little bed alongside the fence...



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