Thursday, April 8, 2010

Twilight - first and only impressions. Blimey.

My realtime status updates as I voluntarily enter into the world of the 'Twilight' phenomenon (despite being a bit slow off the mark)

this morning, I'm watching twilight. cor, it's dreadful.

I'm sure it's been said before, but in every scene, Bella looks as though she's about to have a stroke
edward: I was designed to kill!
bella: i don't care. bc i think you're well fit, pretty boy.
edward: i really want your blood and by blood i mean sex
bella: well go for it, goodlookin'—
bella: (why did i fall for the reflective type?)
edward: *monologues*
edward: I have a gf now - I'm going to wear shades - bc that is what the fonz would do
bella: i am so socially uncomfortable with this display

something significant about to happen. I can tell by edward cullen's intense facial expressions and dramatically halted speech.
edward: i have been watching you sleep for a few months now. but that is not creepy, bc I love you—
bella: let's snog
edward: —however, bc I have an uncontrollable urge to kill you when we are together we must not snog but only sit here and talk about proust or something else that only I am interested in
bella: *falls asleep*
jessie: sounds like some of my exbfs
cor, edward has just said "then you and i will go somewhere, far away, together" - it's interesting the way he has so simply used the threat to her life to put bella in a position where she has no hope but to stay with him. one could almost imagine a cleverer vampire might have contrived this whole scenario from the start...
hmm... considering she's dying that's a bit unnecessarily intense, edward (though bella's hardly complaining) *cue montage of waterfalls, leaping gazelles and other carefully selected symbols*
oh for god's sake now he's crying.

edward: our bliss is so attractively emotionally
bella: nothing can go wrong now, bc we are dancing at the prom and that means it's the end of the film
vampire hiding the wings: *dangerously portentous at the necessity of a sequel* or is it... *hides there in a big feather coat, watching their love like a vulture or some other ominous animalistic symbol*..."


I found this film predictable and unnecessarily manipulative. It was very difficult to sit through and possibly mightn't have managed it if I hadn't been working as well...

Of course, everyone was very attractive and the action sequences made the best possible use of SFX to save the actors having to do anything taxing. So all in all, a win - in a bugger of a way.

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